Thanksgiving and Running!

Oct 12, 2020

To All The Girls Blog

This is for the all the girls who want to love themselves
This is for all the girl women who are tryna hold it altogether
This is for all the girls who want it all (most of it)
This is for all the girls who want to rediscover life
This is for all the girls who are broken but living.


Hey, Happy Thanksgiving! It’s Thanksgiving today in Canada. I thought about the turkey, and all the other lovely pieces of the meal that I will be putting together for my hungry boyz to men. But if you think I’m going to be singing like June Cleaver while I do it, you have another thing coming. I dread big holidays like this because it means I have to do all the cooking. My boo comes to chip in later as do the boys….when everything is almost done. But it never ceases to amaze me that people talk about holidays as if the food magically appears on the table, not realizing the hard work that women put in, to get a meal together. Same thing in the Bible - the women were responsible for the cooking. When I read in Genesis 18 that when the three angels visited Abraham, he ran to Sarah and said Quick ...get three seahs of the finest flour and knead it and bake some bread. my heart aches for poor Sarah. How long did it take her to knead and bake at least 36 pounds of the finest flour? Smh. 

But I am grateful that I have a family, and that supersedes my dislike of cooking (and you must have realized my love/hate relationship with the kitchen by now!). The one thing I hate more than cooking, is to have one of my sons wander into the kitchen, looking for something to eat. So imma gonna cook today and fill their bellies, because I love them fiercely, and they feed my soul. 

But you know what else I’m going to do? I am also going to run today. I promise myself to do 4 miles on the treadmill. That’s right. After I’ve prepped everything, and after I’ve popped the turkey in the oven for its long slow journey home to the boyz to men, I’m going to lace up and head downstairs to the treadmill. Because I deserve an hour for myself. And because too, I’m going to eat the lovely sourdough cranberry stuffing that I love to make on Thanksgiving and at Christmas. I guess I am a bit domesticated after all :)

What I Learned this Week:

Ask for what you want - This week I reached out to a very popular person on IG, to ask advice about a business idea that I am thinking of, something similar to what she does. I did not know whether she would respond, but she did, and encouraged me to share my thoughts and she would guide me. She is miles away in another country. She does not know me. But she responded and I was grateful. And I realized we don’t reach out to the people who can help us because we don’t think they will respond. Ask for what you want and be ready for someone to say yes! 

Quote I loved this Week:

“But the quality of our lives should also make people so thirsty for what we have that they are drawn to Christ like a parched person to water.” 

Tony Evans: Oneness Embraced.


Happy Thanksgiving!
Carpe Diem!